I've been meaning to write a blog about pinball machines in Providence so here it is:
E & O Tap - Spiderman and The Dark Knight. Spiderman has a broken "Doc Ock" Multiball this is a total bummer. Also the tilt is a bit sensitive. This game is pretty alright. I wouldn't really play it unless it was somewhere where you can have a few beers in the meantime. Current Replay is at 29,000,000 i believe. The Dark Knight is a recent addition replacing the ever so horrible Indiana Jones. This game is alright better than spiderman, but again nothing special. Tilt is average and i think everything is working properly. Replay is 29,000,000 as well.
JavaSpeed Scooters - Currently have the best game in town i think which is Bram Stoker's Dracula. This game is great i think that is all i have to say about it. They also have the easily forgettable Road Kings and NASCAR. Also always on display is a broken The Shadow pinball machine.
White Electric - Currently has SafeCracker. A pretty weird game, which can be played multiplayer despite the rumor that it can't be. I think it'll be out of there soon. It shoots coins at you when you get inside of the middle of the "vault".
Fellini's Pizza - I heard that Attack From Mars is gone and now Lord Of The Rings is there. I haven't really seen this yet, but Lord Of The Rings is alright. It's no Attack From Mars.
Campus Pizza - No Good Gofers. This game blows.
New York System Smith St. - Popeye, this is probably the best location for a pinball machine in town. Popeye is mildly whack.
The Blackstone - This is in Pawtucket in the "hope artiste lofts". The atmosphere sucks, the drinks are expensive and their Monster Bash is truly "bashed".
I think thats all of em.