It gets complicated when you decide to dedicate your time to either reading a fantasy novel or watching the Lord Of The Rings over and over again. It gets complicated because while i am watching The Two Towers for the second time in two days, i am checking facts on many official "Middle Earth" websites. I have also found myself consistently referencing my newly bookmarked map of Tolkien's Middle Earth.
This is a problem.
I think it is due to the fact i haven't really had a meal since saturday and it is tuesday.
On with the point:
Why is it that we read and watch so many books and movies which are basically about running away from evil on some kind of quest where danger is around every corner, but in real life the closest danger around the corner might me a patch of ice on the sidewalk someone didn't put salt on.
This makes living fairly boring and i wish i could do something about this... Does anyone have any ideas? Are there any dragons that need slaying? Does anyone need to be rescued from an evil king who has been under the spell of an even more evil wizard? I'm free and as of this thursday i am unemployed.
German Update 3.9.10
I was fired a few weeks ago and it was great. Although this basically meant i still had to work another 3 weeks and work twice as hard as i already did.
Previous Duties included:
Doing The Dishes
Making Food
Stacking Wood
Looking after a brat.
Post-Fired (From now on abbreviated as P.F.) Diego's duties:
Doing ALL of the dishes
Making ALL of the food, Which i BUY at the grocery store 3 miles away which i walk to.
Chopping all of the wood i stacked because it was cut too big.
Looking after a brat who now tells lies about me as soon as his mother gets home.
Paying for him and his friend to see "cloudy with a chance of meatballs" IN 3D
Watching him until 8 pm.
This is why my friends i have nightmares about haunted drumsticks.
Because it is the 9th and a Tuesday i only have two more days of working. I just found this out and i am very excited to not have to deal with the drama of a loser kid and his equally losing mother.
On Behalf of All of the Strength i can muster up from my magicial powers which reside in New England
Fuck you family. Thanks for nothing.
Until next time.
Your Diego.
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